Less Supply, Stronger $BRN!
Today is a big news day for BRN Metaverse!
As the BRN Metaverse team, “Less supply, stronger BRN!” We continue our burning without slowing down with the slogan. We are happy to announce that we will burn and burn 80M BRN Tokens by March 7th. After burning, our total supply will decrease from 400M to 320M. The 300M supply has been locked for a long time. As we mentioned in the 2023 roadmap, the locked supply will be locked again when the time expires.
With this burn, 680M BRN Tokens have been burned, and we will have successfully completed our sixth burn.
As the BRN Metaverse team develops and grows, it will be happy and excited to share this and similar news with you.
With love and respect
BRN Metaverse Team
Website: https://brntoken.net/token
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#AI #Blockchain #Bitcoin #cryptocurrency #burn