Generating Passive Income with BRN Metaverse
Passive income is unearned income automatically generated with minimal effort to earn or maintain. It is often combined with another source of income, such as a part-time job. Passive income as earned income is the result of capital growth.
When winners make little effort to increase their income, it is called progressive passive income. Passive income includes rental income and any business activity in which the winner is not financially involved. It can take a long work and accumulation before human beings can earn passive income. Passive income can be a way to create financial independence and early retirement because beneficiaries can still generate income regardless of whether they are financially active in income-generating activities. Conversely, if a person does not invest in assets that can generate passive income, the money earned through active income will be worth retirement, inability to continue working, etc. It usually stops when it leaves the labor market such as Passive income is not always a one-time payment, like income from the sale of an inheritance or an asset such as a house or stock. This may also come from a possible source over time. Some passive incomes can last for years or even centuries for generations. Long-term passive income sources include property, dividends; debt; and other winning asset classes.
For investors, staking cryptocurrency is a passive activity. When a crypto investor places their holdings (in other words, leaves them in their crypto wallet), the network can use them to generate new blocks on the blockchain. The more cryptocurrencies you bet, the higher the chances of your holding being picked.
The information is “written” to the new block, and the investor’s share is used to validate it. Since the coins already have data “embedded” from the blockchain, they can be used as validators. Then, the network rewards reviewers for allowing these assets to be used as validators.
As a token, BRN Metaverse has developed its referral and staking system to offer its investors the opportunity to earn passive income.
With the reference system, another investor who registers to the Stake system with the reference link of an investor makes 5% of the amount he staked to the investor whose connection he uses. By sharing your referral link with your environment, you can increase the number of tokens you have and thus earn passive income.
In the staking system, it offers its investors four different token lock periods and corresponding revenue.
Starter(For 30 days, your tokens will be locked, and you will earn 5% of the amount you have closed.)
Standard(Your tokens are locked for 90 days, and you earn 18% of the amount you close.)
Deluxe(Your tokens will be locked for 180 days, and you will earn 40% of the amount you have closed.)
Premium(For 365 days, your tokens will be locked, and you will earn 90% of the amount you have closed.)
As the waiting time increases, the number of tokens earned gains directly. You can visit the “" website to earn passive income with BRN Metaverse.